Turn your Brick & Mortar into Clicks & Purchases

Customers are already searching for you online. Without a website, you're not capturing those customers, but handing them to your competitors 24/7.

According to the Census Bureau, in 2017 online sales increased 15.5%
from the previous year's third quarter.


Simply put, if you aren't online, you're falling behind!


Convenience is #1

Here’s how we can help you connect with your customers.

  • create easy to browse products & collections
  • customers can share products via social media
  • run sales & offer discounts
  • add discount popups for email collection & future marketing
  • safely & conveniently collect payments
  • send recovery emails after cart is abandoned
  • sell on Facebook with store inventory

Take Control

Here’s what you’ll get that makes it a no-brainer to get started.

  • a professionally designed Shopify store
  • easily manage products & fulfill orders
  • update page content in drag & drop editor
  • mobile ready & responsive store
  • blogs
  • ongoing support

Store owners say:

"Our project was finished on time & within budget, very important for a small business. We recommend Hydrogen Development to any business looking to enhance their online presence & up their game."

- Jennifer Ward | 24 West Lemon, Denver CO

Start Selling Today

Get in touch with us to find out more about what we can do for you.